Thursday, March 02, 2006

Women and their boots

I was doing some clothes shopping today at a respectable store that specializes in business and business casual clothing when out of the corner of my eye I noticed this woman in the store with large, blurry feet. At closer look, she was wearing those silly white furry boots that you used to just see at ski resorts but now can be found just about anywhere. My reaction was mute disbelief that someone would willingly look so ridiculous anywhere but it turned out she was working there. I wanted to say something to the other people working there who were wearing more appropriate clothing but didn't for fear of seeming like a grumpy old bastard. (I have this blog where I can do that without bothering anyone.) A few blocks down the road, I saw some chick wearing uggs with knee length shorts which left a gap of about 6 inches of leg inbetween. I have no idea what sort of look she was going for but pirate who just had a growth spurt would have been a decent description.

Here is my free advice to chicks who want to spend money on boots like these: don't. You don't look cool, you look like you just escaped from the neanderthal exhibit at the museum. These boots are always bulky and oversized so when you pair them with slim jeans or a skirt, observers see a the nice, lean line of your leg until the shin where all of a sudden you've got lego feet. Even worse is the sweatpants and ugg look made popular but skank queen britney. A look that's fine for hanging around your house but please don't go outside wearing that, it's insulting to yourself and all the people who actually bothered to get dressed that day.

I know the response to this is going to be a variation on "they're comfortable and warm" and "how dare you to tell women what to wear." Well I don't care, I'm the grumpy bastard with this blog and my opinion of how you look wearing these pieces of questionable fashion is as valid as your decision to imitate barbarella when you go out.



At 8:28 PM, Blogger molly_g said...

Matt, ditto. No sensible woman will fight you on that one.

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...i just found myself in a web of yosca websites. i'm glad i found this one, and this particular post, because i could not agree more. lego feet...perfect.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Yossie said...

Phew, I was expecting a shitstorm of abuse from the fems. Thanks for your agreement.

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely see what you mean, but I realize that my contempt springs from jealousy. I wish I could pursue warmth and coziness with such uninhibited zeal.


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