Thursday, June 29, 2006

The worst is could possibly get

From a newspaper report on the flooding in the mid-atlantic region:
"Then there was the house that was spotted drifting down the north branch of the Susquehanna in New York State — on fire for a while, it seemed.

"When the house was torn up, the gas was still on," said Mr. Maurer, the spokesman for the state emergency office.

"And it ignited.""

This is a serious matter, people are dying and thousands of homes are being destroyed but sheesh, at least you know things can't get any worse if your house is not only on fire, but being swept away by a flood at the same time. From that point, things can only get better.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What, that old thing?

The controversy over the media coverage of the leak about the SWIFT program is out of control. Congress and the prez are hyperventilating, the press is becoming (more) indignant about their freedom and the pundits have escalated their screaming match a few decibels.

Here's the lowdown:
Someone in the gov't leaked a story about a monitoring program the feds are using to track the movement of potential financial support for terrorist organizations. Sounds like a good idea, don't it? Several news outlets, the NYT among them, ran articles on this program on the angle that it is potentially another program that without oversight could spiral into severe privacy rights violations. The republicans are now charging the paper with treason on the grounds that this information helps the terrorists. One congressman went so far as to say that it directly put our troops in danger. (the WSJ ran a similar article, also on their front page the same day, but the repub's are specifically calling for charges against the Times. Hmmm)

Here's the problem with this phony furor; the program was not a secret. Details were publicly available years ago. Even if Mr. Terror didn't have the exact details, he probably heard Bush mention just such a program in a speech back in 2002 and moved to better cover his tracks. Shit, I knew about this in a general manner and I'm an idiot. If the asshole terrorists didn't know about it already, then they aren't paying attention. If they aren't paying attention, they wouldn't have read the article and found out about it. It would have taken something like a major flipout on the part of the president and his party's elected officials yelling and screaming about it to make them notice...oh wait...