Thursday, February 02, 2006


This is my first post in a blog that I don't think many people will ever read since there are many other blogs on this theme written by people with more knowledge on the topics and greater resources to devote to them. I have started it as a way to vent my frustrations at the world, at politics, at the stupidity and irrational nature that seems to becoming more and more prevalent in civilization.

I call this "sitting in the aisle" as a symbol of my generally centrist nature and my lack of interest in taking an active role in politics. If the nation is split into left and right factions, the aisle would be the lonely area in between. It's much better in the middle--you can take what you like from either side without having to support the lunatic fringes members of your party. By sitting in the aisle rather than in a seat on either side, I indicate my lack of active membership. The way I see it, it's much more fun to laugh, scowl and bitch than to try to make a living of it.

I have another blog that focuses on food, wine and beer that I love. It fulfils that side of me but at times I'll read the paper, watch the news or just be wandering around life when something will be screaming out for comment. That's where this will come in. I may focus on politics, entertainment or sports or maybe just rant like an old man. It's my frickin' blog, I'll do with it what I want.

That said, let's get into it shall we?


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

Hello. I was scrolling through blogs and found yours. Happy blogging. So there. Your FIRST comment. Write on...

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Yossie said...

Thanks! I haven't even told anyone I know where to find this so imagine my surprise.


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